Ginger and Garlic-Preserving & Benefits

Health benefits of ginger and garlic are numerous and its always good to incorporate them into all your savory dishes.

The 100% natural and best way to preserve or store ginger, garlic and green chilly fresh for your everyday cooking needs, is by freezing them in oil. This has helped me a lot to Save time, money and energy while cooking because it doesn’t have any preservatives like store bought ginger garlic paste and you no longer need to buy from outside or spend time chopping ginger and garlic every time you cook.

You will need an ice cube tray with lid and some olive oil(any oil of your choice) for this process.

PROCEDURE– First blend together ginger, garlic and green chilly(or you can use any dry herbs of your choice like oregano, parsley, cilantro, mint) in a blender to a paste or mince them together in a food processor. I prefer mincing so when you use them for cooking you will get small tiny bits of everything and it will taste absolutely fresh.
Now fill the ice cube cavities halfway with this mixture and pour olive oil to cover each cavity.


IMG_8615Once frozen you can pop them out and use as needed. One cube is enough for each dish or maximum 2.IMG_8724
You can freeze them for several months. Whenever you start cooking, thaw them or pop a cube directly into the pan and once it melts down you can cook as usual!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Balj says:

    Is it equal quantities ginger garlic and a couple of chillies? Can I use another oil?


    1. Jia Ann says:

      yes equal quantity.. its better to use olive oil but you can use any oil😊👍


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