Orange Cream Popsicle

Gorgeous homemade orange and vanilla flavored pops are one of the easiest desserts to put together. I like to call them ‘SUNSHINE POPS’ coz of the bright orange color. This one bowl recipe uses simple ingredients and is a perfect dessert for the summer! Absolutely vegan too!

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These popsicles consist of 3 layers- orange juice, orange cream and vanilla yogurt flavor. You can use any sort of popsicle molds or even plastic cups with icecream sticks to make these. I have used silicon popsicle molds for this recipe. For NON-VEGAN version, you can substitute coconut yogurt with full fat yogurt of whipped heavy cream.IMG_2839


Course: Dessert

Preparation:15-25 minutes

Servings: 4-5


  1. Orange juice concentrate- 1 cup
  2. Coconut yogurt-1 3/4 cup
  3. Vanilla extract-1 1/2 tsp
  4. Sugar-1/2 cup
  5. Maple syrup/Honey- 4 tbsp.
  6. Organic Orange juice-1 cup


  • In a large sauce pan, on medium heat, combine the sugar and orange juice concentrate until well combined and the sugar dissolves completely for about 3 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture from heat and cool to room temperature.
  • Now stir in 1 cup yogurt and 1 tsp vanilla extract into the orange concentrate mix and combine well to get a creamy smooth mixture.
  • In a small bowl combine 3/4 cup yogurt with 2 tbsp. maple syrup/honey ,1/2 tsp.vanilla extract and set aside.
  • Fill 1/4 th of the popsicle molds with orange juice and freeze for about 10 minutes(do not freeze until set)
  • Slowly fill the 2nd layer with orange cream mixture and freeze again for another 10 minutes.
  • Fill the rest of the mold space with vanilla yogurt mixture and close the popsicle mold with the lid and insert the ice pop sticks.Freeze for about 5 hours or overnight until completely set and solid.
  • Run the molds under water before demolding the popsicles and enjoy cold!
  • Variations# You can make the popsicles with just one layer either the clear juice mix or creamy orange mixture. You can also use different fruit flavors.


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  1. sunshine pops truly !!


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